6th Grade Art with Mrs. Fox - Ms. Donato's Class

It is about a dragon on top of a mountain in a sunset. I made it with pencils, colored pencils, chalk pastels. I'm proud of the dragon.

My collage is about a sunset. I chose it because I thought it would look great. I like best is the trees.

My work is about the sun set. I like that it was made from tissue paper and it looks good. I made it this way because I like the way tissue paper looks on top of each other.

My art work is about the American flag. The materials I used were oil pastels. What I'm most proud about it is that it's a flag.

My art work was about the jack o lantern king on Halloween night.The materials I used were markers and gel pens. I am most proud about this artwork because I like Halloween.

My art is about my first hand ever. I used a pencil and crayons. I am most proud about the hand.

My artwork is about rainbows. I made the this project cause I like rainbows. I used red orange yellow green blue and purple. I am most proud of that I actually finished this project.

I used colored pencils because they're easy to use.

My art work is about a dog with human legs. I used markers, a sharpie, water and paper. The thing I am most proud of is how the sky looks like different colors even though I only used one and I like how the water made the sky look like that.