Welcome to our District Art Show! We really wish this art show could have been in person, but that won't stop us from showing and celebrating all the amazing work you all have been doing! This Virtual Art Show showcases our Pre-K-12th grade artists. Explore all levels to see what we created this year.
Navigating the artwork: The elementary artwork is organized by grade level and teacher. The middle and high school artwork is organized by grade level for MS and by course for HS. There is also a tab with project descriptions for the high school. If you see a GALLERY button or a teachers name please click it, it will take you to the entire classes artwork where you can find yours.
Note: If you do not see your grade level, the top bar has the word MORE and if you hover over that you see the continuation of the elementary grade levels and the middle/high school courses offered.
A Note from Mrs. Fox
Dear students,
I miss you all, and I wish we could be looking at this artwork in the hallways together, high-fiving to celebrate what you made. I am so proud of all you accomplished this year.
You have all shown growth in your artwork this year by doing your best and trying new and different things. I love seeing your personalities shine through what you choose to make.
You are amazing artists, and I know know matter what, you are all READY TO CREATE!
Keep up the good work!
-Mrs. Fox
A Note From Miss. Sengbusch
To my JR/SR artists, I am proud of all of you and the artwork you have created this year. You all have impressed me with your willingness to try new things. You all challenged yourself in class in more ways than one. I couldn't ask for a better bunch of artists.
Art doesn't have to be just drawing and painting, there are so many other mediums, canvases, forms, etc to experiment with. I hope you all realized this was one of the intents of class and me pushing you to your best. I miss you all and I hope to see you soon.
-Miss. Sengbusch