High School Project Descriptions

Studio in Art
Single Object Close-up
Studio in Art students selected an object that held significance to them. They used their observational skills to draw their object proportionally and as realistically as they could, using the medium of graphite pencils.

Studio in Art
Linoleum Block Print
Studio in Art students were introduced to the art method of printmaking. They each had a 4x6 linoleum block, in which they were to design a print that had a connection to themselves. They spent weeks carving out the positive or negative space of their block. Once they completed carving, they were to print their block multiple times to understand the medium being used, ink, and how much they needed to make a clear image. Their final project was to print their print in a way that is creative and different than just on paper.

Drawing & Painting
Still Life
Students in Drawing & Painting selected 4-5 objects of importance to them. They set them up in a still life, organizing the objects in the foreground, middle ground and background. They used observational skills to draw these objects proportionally and realistically. Students had the option of using graphite pencils or colored pencils.

Drawing &Painting
Foreshortened Portrait
Drawing & Painting students took a picture of themselves in an extreme angle. Taking a photograph in this manner creates a perspective that is defined as being foreshortened because it brings objects closer than it really is. Students were to include something they liked to do in the picture. Again, students had a choice in the medium they used.

Styrofoam Sculpture
Sculpture students selected styrofoam as a medium to sculpt with. Styrofoam is a difficult medium to work with because it easily breaks and is hard to mold, but that did not stop these exceptional students. The task they were given was to create a realistic piece and an abstract piece. Creating both satisfied that need to always want to create something that looks real and that want to let go and create something that would evoke an emotion.

Altered Book
Sculpture students selected a book that they would have to alter. Altering a book takes on a different appearance then its original intent. Students could alter the cover, pages and back in a manner they see fit. Some students changed the book shape entirely, some tore out pages, and some used what is in the book and built off it. Which ever process is used an altered book has changed its appearance to something the artist wants or needs and it changes it's appearance for the person who might read it. Books have a wonderful way of transporting people into stories, altered books do the same.

Studio in Art
Expressive Hands
Studio in Art students continued to build on their observational skills through hand drawings. They drew their own hands in 3 different expressive poses. These poses had to convey something important to the student, if that was how their hands are positioned in a sport they play, an activity they do or a sign language sign. Students completed this project on brown paper with colored pencils.

Studio in Art
Studio in Art students learned about a method of textile production, weaving. We used cardboard to create our own looms and wrapped them. They were to create 8 coasters or a scarf.

Drawing &Painting
Fruit/Vegetable Close-up
Drawing & Painting students created 2 fruit/vegetable close-up studies. These studies encouraged students to zoom in as close to the food item as they wanted, to capture texture and experiment with angles. This project reinforced observational drawing, as well as breaking a traditional placement of objects by having them span or almost span the entire page and even off the page. Students had the choice of brown paper and colored pencils or white paper and colored pencils.

Soap Sculpture
Sculpture students were given bars of soap to carve into. They were to develop, problem solve and sculpt their project from this medium. Students using clay tools, random objects around the classroom and water to help mold their soap.

Sculpture students created a mask they felt provided a glimpse into who they are as a person, if it's a fear they have, a like or interest, or something more profound. Students photographed themselves or others wearing their mask. The photograph is another layer to the mask because it was placed in a setting that connected to it.