3rd Grade Art with Mrs. Fox - Mrs. Lewis' Class

My art is about a valentine dog walking around. I used brown, green, orange, and red marker. I also used brown, black, purple, and blue paint. I am proud of this work because I love my valentine dog a lot! I like this project because it was fun to make.

My collage was about a fox going on a walk. I like how my fox came out. It was hard to get the face and whiskers done.

I like this project because The art is about dog That's become friends and they turn into a squad. We used Bingo stampers. We are proud of this artwork because it took more than three classes and it looks amazing our favorite part is the dogs.

I like this wow project because I like Pokemon. I used markers and pencil. I'm proud because I made the Pokemon good.

Our artwork is about a cat that got wet and hid. Our materials were paint and bingo dabbers. It was really fun to make it.

My collage is about a dragon war and I like that there's a dragon in the sky and a happy dragon down below. The hard part was trying to get everything glued down correctly I had to try over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Our picture is about epic Pokemon battle in epic arena. We used every color of the markers and pencils because we need to do the outline. I'm proud of this artwork because we took a long time and it looks nice.

It is about a jungle.The cat is hidden. It was difficult to make the owl.

It's about jaguars and Safari cars. I like that the Jaguar in the car in the human. It was hard to cut out his tail.