2nd Grade Art with Mrs. Fox - Mrs. Caskey's Class

My art is about my family and my dog and my cat. I made this with Sharpie, pencil, and paint. I'm proud of this because I was good at it.

It is about sharks and fish. I used oil pastels and paint. I am proud because it looks nice.

My art is about a wolf and a fox. I used bingo dabbers. I'm proud of this because of my art teacher she loves foxes and I love wolves.

I made this artwork out of paint. This is supposed to be the Flash stadium and what I like about it is I like the Flash so that's why I did it.

My collage is about a little girl who likes clothes.

I like this artwork because I did a good job on this because I blended the colors. I made it with markers and bingo dabblers.

Jon's Collage

It is pretty. It starts and it has a volcano in mountains and rainy clouds and lightning and a guy on a mountain and it has red lava. I made this with paint and pencil.

I like this artwork because I did a great job at making it. I made my artwork out of paint. I like that I put dots on it.